January reAlign New Moon Manual.png



reAligned is postponed until Fall 2024

If you're:

💫A person who has given birth within the last 1-3 years 

💫Are you feel one foot standing in your life before motherhood and your toes barely touching down on the otherside

💫Are craving a way to connect with your mind, body, and spirit. 

💫Are ready to let die what needs to die to live in your fullness 

💫Are ready to take up space and make space for YOU.

💫Wanting community and witnessing.

If you said yes to any of the above, reAlign is for you.

reAlign is a coming together, a full transition from your previous self before giving birth and your self now.

So many of us a thrust into our roles as mothers, caregivers, partners, wives, daughters, siblings … many of us give. We give our time, our energy, our bodies, and our spirits in these roles. And when it comes to parenthood, so many of us feel lost and untethered. We cling to the aspects of ourselves before we became parents and yet, so much of who we are has changed. reAlign aims to do just that - space for Mothers, birth Givers, and new parents to come back into alignment.

Alignment in body.

Alignment in mind.

Alignment in spirit.

Alignment in self.

This is a 12- month journey. A 12- month deep dive into the depths of discovery, of casting away, and building anew.  Are you Ready?

We will meet virtually and over Zoom on every full moon of 2024. Full moons are for moving energy, for connecting to Divine energy, for returning to the earth the things that need composting. These meetings are ceremonies where we will gather together to share and move things and cast into fire what needs to be shed.

Each New Moon you will receive a bundle. New moons are for making plans, for manifesting, for making shit happen. Your bundle might include crystals, incense, herbs, and more for you to use for personal ritual.

Every week you will receive journal Prompts in your inbox to help guide you through the year with intention.

There will be an end-of-the-year option to gather in person to mark the transition into your full self with ceremony and ritual.

Our Schedule:

🌑January 11th - Personal Ritual
🌕January 25th - Full Moon Ritual 7-9 PM PST

🌑February 9th - Personal Ritual
🌕February 24th - Full Moon Ritual 7-9 PM PST

🌑March 10th - New Moon Personal Ritual
🌕March 25th - Full Moon Ritual 7-9 PM PST

🌑April 8th - New Moon Personal Ritual
🌕April 23th - Full Moon Ritual 7-9 PM

🌑May 7th  New Moon Personal Ritual
🌕May 23rf Full Moon Ritual 7-9 PM PST

🌑June 6th  New Moon Personal Ritual
🌕June 21st Full Moon Ritual 7-9 PM PST

🌑July 5th New Moon Personal Ritual
🌕July 21st Full Moon Ritual 7-9 PM PST

🌑August 4th New Moon Personal Ritual
🌕August 19th Full Moon Ritual 7-9 PM PST

🌑September 2nd New Moon Personal Ritual
🌕September 17th Full Moon Ritual 7-9 PM PST

🌑October 2nd New Moon Personal Ritual
🌕October 17th Full Moon Ritual 7-9 PM PST

🧹October 31st - Bonus Halloween Ritual 7-9 PM PST

🌑November 1st New Moon Personal Ritual
🌕November 15th Full Moon Ritual 7-9 PM PST

🌑December 1st New Moon Personal Ritual
🌕December 15th- Winter Solstice In-Person Gathering 

What’s included when you join reAlign?
When You Register
You’ll receive an opening New Moon Ritual (on November 13th) and a New Moon preparation ritual for December and January.

Each month of 2024 you’ll receive:
Digital reAlign Worksheets - These beautiful digital worksheets are filled with journal prompts and ways to incorporate ritual into your life. Weaving inspiration from the Wheel of the Year, the Jewish and Gregorian calendars, and the cycles of the moon, these reAlign Sheets will take walk you from the season of dying and composting in the winter, the season of seed planting and nourishing in the spring, the season of abundance and new growth of summer, the season of harvesting of autumn, and the season of releasing and shedding of winter.

Each Full Moon:
We will gather live and virtually to create sacred space around the Full Moon. This ritual is for us to deepen our own practices of being in cycle with the moon, as well as practicing releasing the things that do not serve us in the seasons we are in, and in our lives. These Full Moon Rituals are ways to help reAlign participants to carve out and create sacred space. You’ll receive a preparing ritual which may include ways of grounding, ways of making sacred space, altar creation, and more. I encourage reAlign participants to make sure little ones are being cared for by other adults or parents, that you can be interrupted for our Moon time and that folks are able to be present for themselves. And, we are all parents and shit doesn’t always go as planned! Each Moon ritual will be recorded so that folks can tap into the ritual if they cannot come live.

Each New Moon:
You will receive a digital New Moon Personal Ritual. This ritual is for you to deepen your own connection with self through the New Moon offering of manifestation and intention setting. The worksheets will offer suggestions for ritual ideas to carry you through the month and to the Full Moon, as well as seasonal personal rituals to do on your own. As with the Full Moon Ritual, I encourage folks to try and carve out time to set intentions and be with self during the New Moon.

reAlign Self Care Package:
Before we begin in January, participants will receive a package from me to help create ritual space - sticks of incense, some crystals, and if I can swing it, a small hand crafted vessel from my personal pottery studio.

I just had a baby, can i join?
No, my love. The fourth trimester is for you and your little one to connect and bond and for your body to heal. The first year of Postpartum is such an amazing and wild time of moving through the seasons of parenthood and stretching your parent wings. Keep your eyes open for Free Journal Prompts for the First Year Postpartum and please join us after you celebrate your first Birth Day.

Is this a religious thing?
No. Yes? Maybe?
reAlign is part of my soul work to help new parents and new mothers connect fully with themselves in the transition to becoming parents. To me, this is the melding of mind, body, and spirit. Your Spirit may be the Goddess, or God, or Nature - I believe we are all Divine and want to help folks connect to that as well. I am a 200-hour certified yoga instructor and I have one year of training to be a Jewish Priestess (Kohenet is, unfortunately, no longer training Priestesses). Though I consider myself to be a witchy Jew, reAlign is for anyone looking for deeper self-connection through ritual and moon work, meditation, and movement.

You say "mother" and "birth giver" - is this a Women's Circle?
No, anyone who has given birth and is feeling the pull to come into better alignment with self is welcome. We will, though, be working with feminine aspects of Spirit/Divinity through the rhythms of the moon.

My child is older than 3, can I still join?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, yes, I would love to have you.

What if I can't make a gathering?
I strongly encourage folks who sign up to block off Full Moon dates NOW so that we can all be present for the gatherings. And we are parents and shit happens. The gatherings will be recorded.

What do you mean when you say "ritual" and "ceremony" 
Ritual can be mundane and everyday things like brushing teeth or getting dressed. When I say ritual in this context, I mean we will move through the same opening and closing of our Gatherings, the Rhythms will be the same and the ceremony will be about marking holy/sacred moon time.

What About The In-Person Gathering? Why does it cost more?
The cost is associated with space rental and supplies. It will be optional and we will only hold the in-person gathering if we have at least 10 folks interested. Travel and lodging will NOT be included.

Still have questions?

Email me erikadavis@wholebodypregnancy.com you can also fill out this questionnaire to schedule a 15 minute chat.

Ready To Join?

The reAlign realm will officially open on the New Moon of November 13th. Folks who sign up on this date (or before) will have access to our first New Moon ritual guide. This guide will be a digital guide and can be used for the new moon in December as well. You will receive your first New Moon Ritual pack in December.

reAlign is for folks ready to give a 12-month commitment to self to take up more space. To make more space. To find ways to bring ritual and ceremony into everyday life.
reAlign is for folks who are grappling with a new identity as parents
reAlign is for folks who are ready to work with their shadow side, ready to let the earth take what is no longer needed.
reAlign is for folks who want community and to commune with moon energies
reAlign is for folks ready to break old habits
reAlign is for folks who don’t say “yes” to themselves enough
reAlign will be a sacred gathering of 18 folks.

The monthly financial commitment for reAlign is $118/mo.

I can’t wait to see you.